Below are addresses, telephone contact details and maps for venues that TBC will visit in most seasons. The zoom control, (sliding scale on the left), is functional allowing you to select the most helpful scale for your needs. The location 'pins' are typically based on postcode details and thus reflect the precision derived from this source data.
Ash BC, Ash, Canterbury. CT3 2DG
Tel; 01304 813845
Aylesham & Snowdon BC, Spinney Lane, Aylesham
CT3 3AD Tel; 01304 842964
Birchington BC, Beach Avenue, Birchington
CT7 9JS Tel: 01843 841086
Boughton BC, Rear of Parsonage Farm Cottage
South St. Boughton u Blean, Faversham ME13 9NA
Broadstairs & St. Peters, BC. Memorial Rec, Lawn
Road, Broadstairs CT10 1AA Tel: 01843 861283
Chislet Colliery Welfare BC. Hersden Recreation
Centre, Chislet CT3 4HX Tel: 07947160632
Cliftonville BC. St George's Lawns, Eastern
Esplanade, Margate. CT9 3AB Tel: 01843 220878
Dane Park BC. Dane Road, Margate
CT9 1BQ Tel: 01843 220878
Deal BC. The Drive, Mill Road, Deal.
CT14 9AE Tel: 01304 374701
Eastry BC. Off Church Street, Eastry
CT13 OHH Tel: ????
Herne Bay BC, Memorial Park, Spenser Road
Herne Bay. CT6 5QL Tel: 01227 375136
Kearsney BC. The Pavilion, 160 Lower Rd, River
CT17 0RL. Tel: 01304 822543
Margate BC. 18 Northdown Avenue, Cliftonville,
Margate. CT9 2NW Tel: 01843448339
Minster BC. The Green, Molineux Road, Minster
CT12 4DW Tel: 01843 824082
Ramsgate BC. Royal Espalnade, West Cliff, Ramsgate
CT11 0HE Tel: 01843 594940
River BC. River Recreation Ground, Crabble Court
Lower River Rd. Dover. CT17 0LW Tel: 01304 823373
Sandwich BC. Millwall Place, Sandwich
CT13 9BZ Tel: 01304 611100
Sellindge BC. 69 Swan Lane, Sellindge,
Nr. Ashford TN25 6HB. Tel: 01303 812437
St. Lawrence BC. Ellington Park, Park Road, Ramsgate, CT119TL Tel: 01843 581023
St Margaret's Bay BC. Kingsdown Road, St Margarets at Cliffe, Dover. CT15 6BB. Tel: 01304 853267
Tilmanstone BC. Adelaide Road, Eythorne, Dover.
CT15 4AN. Tel: 01304 830430
Victoria Park BC. Victoria Park, Mill Road, Deal.
CT14 9AB Tel: 01304 363963
Walpole Bay BC. Fifth Avenue, Clifftonville, Margate.
CT9 2JJ Tel: 01843 221703
Westbrook BC. Westcliffe Gardens, Royal Esplanade,
Margate. CT9 5DL. Tel: 01843 220185
Whitstable BC. The Castle Grounds, Tower Hill, Whitstable.
CT5 2BW Tel; 01227 272365