

Everyone participating in the sport of bowls has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, race, ability, religion, sexual orientation, marital orientation or gender orientation. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all members to enjoy the sport of bowls. Everyone in bowls has a part to play to ensure that anyone at risk is identified and offered the support and advice they deserve. 

Our club safeguarding officer is David Adams who can be contacted on 07966320812 or email at  

Any contact will be treated in strict confidence.

If you have any safeguarding concerns either relating to yourself or any other member please contact David for a confidential chat or advice.

The following are links to Bowls England Safeguarding policies which you may chose to review for more in depth information.

Safeguarding Adults in Bowls

Safeguarding Children Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

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