Full Name: (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. del as app.) ..................................................................................................
D.O.B. …. /..../...... (Juniors only)
Address: …..........................................................................................................................................
Postcode: ….................. Tel. No. …................................. Mob. No. …..........................................
Email Address: …...............................................................................
Previous Bowls Club(s) if any …........................................................................................................
I wish to apply for membership of TBC in the classification & at the cost as indicated. Tick ( √ ) as appropriate:-
FULL - £110 * ( ) |
SOCIAL – Non-Playing - £16 ( ) |
JUNIOR – 17yrs or less - £5 ( ) |
* Full = £15 Annual Membership Fee + £95 Season Ticket to play
Applications will be posted in the Clubhouse for a period of 7 days prior to ratification. TBC members will be asked to nominate & second applicants. Membership will commence only following ratification and payment of the applicable fee.
Under new data protection regulations, we must secure your specific consent to hold the personal details provided above. They are required solely to communicate with you and to allow you to contact other members (for example, to arrange games), and will never be used for any other purpose. By signing this application form below you will be agreeing to the Club holding and using these details as stated.
If accepted as a member I agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the club. A copy of the Club Constitution and Rules may be viewed in the clubhouse or at the TBC website
Applicant Signature:- |
Name Print:- |
Ratification Record (Committee Use Only) |
Nominated by:- |
Name |
Signature |
Date |
Seconded by:- |
Name |
Signature |
Date |
Approved / Rejected (del. as applicable) |
Committee Members Name |
Committee Members Signature |
Date |
Received From:- Amount :- £
Date:- Signed for TBC:- |